Modelling - The Sculpting Process November 18, 2015

Modelling is an important part of the sculpting process, which is always the same.

For example, with my hare’s head, I began by a creating a metal armature. It is like a skeleton over which I will sculpt the piece. The great thing about building over a metal armature is that you aren’t creating a sculpture to last. This means I can use a soft plasticine which makes the modelling part of the sculpting process really fluid.

Once I have the armature, the next part of the sculpting process is to mix a new brew of modelling material. It is a combination of African Beeswax and plasticine. I recycle this brew over and over again until it becomes too sticky to work with. The beeswax dilutes over the years with softer and softer plasticine. The remnants of many different animals…

Sometimes the tub of modelling material looks quite surreal. It might be full of odd bits: grouse wings, Roe Deer antlers, small elephants. I don’t keep my original models because they don’t last, but I have the moulds. And then the actual bronze pieces are born at the end of the sculpting process.

I am really looking forward to seeing this hare’s head cast in bronze. The last one I did as a limited edition of 12 sold out in two weeks!


Sculpture Collection

Hamish has a substantial range of sculptures for sale, all of which are listed on this website. If you see something you like that is labelled as sold out, please get in touch with Hamish directly to discuss a private commission.

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